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Health & Safety Policy

It is the policy of Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited to comply with the terms of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and subsequent legislation and to provide and maintain a healthy and safe working environment. Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited health and safety objective is to minimise the number of instances of occupational accidents and illnesses and ultimately to achieve an accident-free workplace.

All employees will be provided with such equipment, information, training and supervision as is necessary to implement the policy and achieve the stated objective.

Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited recognise and accept their duty to protect the health and safety of all visitors to the company, including contractors, temporary workers, candidates as well as any members of the public who might be affected by our operations.

While the management of Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited will do all that is within its powers to ensure the health and safety of its employees, it is recognised that health and safety at work is the responsibility of each and every individual associated with the company. It is the duty of each employee to take reasonable care of their own and other people’s welfare and to report any situation which may pose a threat to the well being of any other person.

The management of Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited will provide every employee with the training necessary to carry out their tasks safely. However if an employee is unsure how to perform a certain task or feels it would be dangerous to perform a specific job then it is the employee’s duty to report this to their immediate Manager or a Director of the company An effective health and safety program requires continuous communication between workers at all levels. It is therefore every worker’s responsibility to report immediately any situation, which could jeopardise the well being of themselves or any other person.

All injuries, however small, sustained by a person at work must be reported to their immediate Manager or a Director of the company who will inform the relevant authorities if required. Accident records are crucial to the effective monitoring and revision of the policy and must therefore be accurate and comprehensive.

All defects to Equipment must be reported to the Manager immediately on discovery.

Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited’s health and safety policy will be continually monitored and updated particularly when changes in the scale and nature of our operations occur. The policy will be updated at least every 12 months.

The specific arrangements for the implementation of the policy and the personnel responsible are detailed below.

Safety Personnel

The persons with overall and final responsibility for health and safety in Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited is Mr. T R Hirst

The person responsible for overseeing, implementing and monitoring the policy is the Operations Manager.

The Branch and Site Manager/Supervisor, will be responsible as deputy in case of his / her absence.


The management of Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited sees communication between workers at all levels as an essential part of effective health and safety management. Consultation will be facilitated by means of regular update meetings as often as is deemed necessary.


The management of Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited will communicate to employees their commitment to safety and to ensure that employees are familiar with the contents of the company health and safety policy. Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited communicates with its employees orally, in the form of directions and statements from supervisors, in writing, in the form of directives and this policy statement, and by example.

Co-Operation & Care

If we are to build and maintain a healthy and safe working environment, co-operation between workers at all levels is essential.

All employees are expected to co-operate with Management and to accept their duties under this policy.

Disciplinary action will be taken against any employee who violates safety rules or who fails to perform his or her duties under this policy.

Employees have a duty to take all reasonable steps to preserve and protect the health and safety of themselves and all other people affected by the operations of the company.

Safety Training

Safety training is regarded as an indispensable ingredient of an effective health and safety program. It is essential that every worker in the organisation be trained to perform his or her job effectively and safely.

It is the opinion of the management of Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited that if a job is not done safely then it is not done effectively.

All workers will be trained in safe working practices and procedures prior to being allocated any new role. Training will include advice on the use and maintenance of personal protective equipment appropriate to the task concerned and the formulation of emergency contingency plans.

Training sessions will be held as often as is deemed necessary and will provide another opportunity for workers to express any fears or concerns they might have about their jobs.

Records of all training will be kept on each individual’s personnel files.

Workplace Inspections

It is the policy of Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited to comply with the Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992.

The Directors will conduct regular inspections of the workplace. In addition inspections will be conducted in the relevant areas whenever there are significant changes in the nature and / or scale of our operations.

Workplace inspections will also provide an opportunity to review the continuing effectiveness of the policy and to identify areas where revision of the policy may be necessary.

In the event of working on customers premises Advantage will confirm with our customer that inspections are carried out and the findings communicated as required.

Personal Protective Equipment

It is the policy of Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited to comply with the law as set out in the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992.

All workers who may be exposed to a risk to their health and safety while at work will be provided with suitable, properly fitting and effective personal protective equipment.

All personal protective equipment provided by Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited will be properly assessed prior to its provision.

All personal protective equipment provided by Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited will be maintained in good working order.

Employees must also ensure that PPE is fitted correctly and is maintained or replaced as required.

All workers provided with personal protective equipment by Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited will receive comprehensive training and information on the use, maintenance and purpose of the equipment.

Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited will endeavour to ensure that all personal protective equipment provided is used properly by its employees.

Manual Handling Operations

It is the policy of Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited to comply with the law as set out in the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992.

Manual handling operations will be avoided as far as is reasonably practicable where there is a risk of injury.

Where it is not possible to avoid manual handling operations an assessment of the operation will be made taking into account the task, the load, the working environment, etc. An assessment will be reviewed if there is any reason to suspect that it is no longer valid.

All possible steps will be taken to reduce the risk of injury to the lowest level possible.

Display Screen Equipment

It is the policy of Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited to comply with the law as set out in the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992.

Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited will conduct health and safety assessments of all workstations staffed by employees who use VDU screens as part of their usual work and will ensure that all workstations put into service after January 1st 1993 meet the requirements set out in the Schedule to the Regulations and that all workstations meet these requirements.

The risks to users of VDU screens will be reduced to the lowest extent reasonably practicable. VDU screen users will be allowed periodic breaks in their work. Eyesight tests will be provided for VDU screen users on request. All VDU screen users will be given appropriate and adequate training on the health and safety aspects of this type of work and will be given further training and information whenever the organisation of the workstation is substantially modified.

Fire Safety

Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited’s fire safety policy and procedures take account of special fire hazards in specific areas of the workplace and, where appropriate, have been compiled with the assistance a fire risk assessment..

The Directors are responsible for ensuring compliance with fire safety and prevention codes, for reviewing company practices and procedures, inspecting and testing fire fighting equipment, prevention and protection equipment and for advising on safe practices and procedures.

The person(s) with responsibility for the maintenance and testing of fire alarms and fire fighting equipment is the customer in the event of working on customer premises.

All employees within the firm have a duty to report immediately any fire, smoke or potential fire hazards to the fire service (dial 999).

All employees have a duty to conduct their operations in such a way as to minimise the risk of fire. This involves taking care when smoking, keeping combustible materials separate from sources of ignition and avoiding unnecessary accumulation of combustible materials.

Rayners an external company is responsible for the provision and maintenance of fire prevention and detection equipment. The case of working on customer premises then guidance will be taken from the customer.

The Operations Manager is responsible for keeping the operating areas safe from fire, ensuring that the staff are trained in proper fire prevention practices and emergency procedures

Fire Fighting Equipment

Fire extinguishers are located at strategic points throughout the workplace. Employees are expected to tackle a fire themselves only if it would pose no threat to their personal safety to do so. If the situation is dangerous or potentially dangerous the employee should activate the alarm and evacuate the building or area immediately.

Fire Exits

Fire exits are located at strategic points to the front and rear of the workplace. Exit doors and corridors must never be locked, blocked or used as storage space.

Emergency lighting has been installed in exit corridors, above emergency exit doors in case of power failure.

Emergency Evacuation Procedure

In the event of the fire alarm being activated, or in any other emergency situation (such as a bomb scare etc), all employees must leave the building by the nearest available exit and assemble at the designated assembly point. The designated assembly points are as per the fire drill posted in every workplace and department.

Accident Investigation & Reporting

It is the policy of Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited to comply with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR 95).

Advantage Employment & Training Solutions Limited sees accident investigation as a valuable tool in the prevention of future incidents. In the event of an accident resulting in injury a report will be drawn up by the operations Manager or Director.

  • The circumstances of the accident including photographs and diagrams wherever possible
  • The nature and severity of the injury sustained
  • The identity of any eyewitnesses
  • The time, date and location of the incident
  • The date of the report

All eyewitness accounts will be collected as near to the time of the accident as is reasonably practicable. Any person required to give an official statement has the right to have a lawyer or representative present.

The completed report will then be submitted to and analysed by the Director who will attempt to discover why the accident occurred and what action should be taken to avoid a recurrence of the problem.

A follow up report will be completed after a reasonable period of time examining the effectiveness of any new measures adopted.

The operations manager is responsible for reporting cases of accident and disease to the relevant enforcing authority under the RIDDOR 95 Regulations where applicable.



  1. All employees should be aware of, respect and adhere to the rules and procedures contained in this policy statement.
  2. All employees shall immediately report any unsafe practices or conditions to the relevant person.
  3. Any person found to be under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicating drug, which might impair motor skills or judgment, whether prescribed or otherwise, shall not be allowed on the job. (See Company Drug & Alcohol Policy)
  4. Horseplay, practical joking or any other acts, which might jeopardise the health and safety of any other person, are forbidden.
  5. Any person whose levels of alertness and / or ability are reduced due to illness or fatigue will not be allowed on the job if this might jeopardise the health and safety of that person or any other person. Personnel must inform the company of any changes in general health.
  6. Employees shall not adjust, move or otherwise tamper with any electrical equipment, machinery in a manner not within the scope of their duties, unless instructed to do so by a senior member of staff.
  7. All waste materials must be disposed of carefully and in such a way that they do not constitute a hazard to other workers or effects the environment (see the environment policy)
  8. No worker should undertake a job, which appears to be unsafe.
  9. No worker should undertake a job until he or she has received adequate safety instruction and is authorised to carry out the task. Personnel should not operate or use any equipment unless they have received training and information relevant to the task.
  10. All injuries must be reported to the Director or a delegated representative.
  11. Work shall be well planned and supervised to avoid injuries in the handling of heavy materials and while using equipment.
  12. No employees should use chemicals without the knowledge required to work with those chemicals safely.
  13. Suitable clothing and footwear will be worn at all times. Personal protective equipment shall be worn whist on client premises wherever appropriate.

Working Environment

  1. Work sites must be kept clean and tidy.
  2. Any spillage must be cleaned up immediately.
  3. Waste materials and rubbish must be removed routinely.
  4. All combustible waste materials must be discarded in sealed metal containers.

Walkways (Also on customer premises)

  1. Walkways and passageways must be kept clear from obstructions at all times.
  2. If a walkway or passageway is found to have spillage it should be clearly marked with warning signs and / or covered with non-slip material.
  3. Trailing cables are a trip hazard and should not be left in any passageway.
  4. Any change in the floor elevation of any walkway or passageway must be clearly marked.
  5. Where objects are stored in or around a passageway, care must be taken to ensure that no long or sharp edges jut out into the passageway in such a way as to constitute a safety hazard.

Personal Protective Equipment (Also on customer premises)

It will be the policy of the company to provide all such protective clothing as required, both by statutory legislation and as so decided by company requirements.

Employees must use all personal protective equipment provided to them in accordance with the training and instruction given to them regarding its use.

Employees who have been provided with personal protective equipment must immediately report any loss of or obvious defect in any equipment provided to their Supervisor/Manager.

Manual Lifting and Moving

  1. Lifting and moving of objects should always be done by mechanical devices, rather than manual handling wherever reasonably practicable. The equipment used should be appropriate for the task.
  2. The load to be lifted or moved must be inspected for sharp edges, slivers and wet or greasy patches.
  3. When lifting or moving a load with sharp or splintered edges gloves must be worn. Gloves should be free from oil, grease or other agents, which might impair grip.
  4. The route over which the load is to be lifted or moved should be inspected to ensure that it is free of obstructions or spillage which could cause tripping or spillage.
  5. Employees should not attempt to lift or move a load, which is too heavy to manage comfortably.
  6. Where team lifting or moving is necessary one person should act as a co-coordinator, giving commands to lift, lower etc.
  7. When lifting an object off the ground employees should assume a squatting position, keeping the back straight. The load should be lifted by straightening the knees, not the back. These steps should be reversed for lowering an object to the ground.